sexta-feira, 8 de março de 2013

Curt Nimuendajú’s photographic legacy of the Indians of the Rio Negro in 1927

1. Rio Ayari, waterfall Yurupari, engraved stones

2. The Kubewa River Uaupés

3. Uanano, Rio Uaupés, dancers

4. Preparation of Beiju, Maloca Yutica, River Uaupés

5.Uanano Indians, Rio Uaupés, Tainya maloca

6. Rio Uaupés, Maloca Yutica, trough for caxiri (maniac beer)

7. Rio Uaupés, Uanana Indian, Dya-wano, daughter of Juxan

8. Rio Ayari, Dyuremawa Indians / Kubewa. Cipé-Po maloca

9. Maku Indians in front of the lauacaua Malaca in Uaupés River

10. Rio Uaupés, Yauareté maloca. Tariana girls; in the Center is a Uanano

11.WaIipere-dakenai Indians, the old Tuxaua (chief) and family

12. Rio Uaupés, Tariana Indians, Yauareté maloca

13. Rio Uaupés waterfall of Tapiira-yirau

l4.Rio Ayari. Dragging a canoe over the waterfalls of Uapui

15. Preparation- for a dance festival at the Yutica maloca (Uanana)

l6.Rio Ayari, Miriti-igarapé Hohodene lndians, Maloca Taracuá

I7. Rio Uaupés, Uanano Indians, Malaca Tainya

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